Monday, May 27, 2013

Finding Your Own Way Among All The Controversy...

  • High Fat vs. Low Carbs
  • Cardio vs. Weights
  • Vegetarian vs. Vegan                   
  •  Yoga vs. Pilates 
  •  Steady State Cardio vs. HIIT
  • Low Weigh/High Reps vs. High Weigh Low Reps
  • Zumba vs Boxing
  • Supplements vs. Natural Foods
  • Organic vs. Non-organic  
Let me just start by saying, politics and religion have nothing on diet and exercise. When we find what works for us, that becomes as sacred as our spiritual beliefs. Many Cross Fitters, Paleo dieters, bodybuilders, clean-eaters,yogis, and Zumba-Lights will fight to death to defend their craft and why you should do this instead of that.

Today, I was reminded of this as I realized I had once again climbed on my horse and ranted about the diet industry.  Now, I will never stop advocating against the diet industry.....My own journey lead me to my own truths that I will fight for,  but that did get me thinking....

Who am I (or anyone else) to tell you how to go about finding your path to a healthy life style? With so much conflicting science out there on the best way to workout, or the best way to eat, the best advice one can give is to learn, experiment, and learn more. What works for one, may not hold true for another. 

It is so important to remember to be a defensive learner.  Question what you read or hear. Experiment with what works for you.  Be pro-active in your own journey. Don't just blindly do what the "experts" say, or what worked for your friend.... Find what brings you the most health and success. 

And, give respect to what others have found to be their truth. .... Stepping off my own high horse...for now.
 All that I can offer is what I have learned to be true for me.