Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hi Star Center Members!!

I'm so excited about our new local community center (Star) that will be opening in May.  Here is a peak of the type of workout we will be doing in the Tuesday night's Shred Circuit Class. This is my personal workout at home, however in class you will have 2-3 levels to choose from for each move, as well as other options to honor our bodies' for that day.  I am excited to get to know more of you in our community and work together to meet our goals! 

Please take a moment to hit, "follow" to follow this blog and receive fit tips, healthy living ideas, and stay involved and in touch with others who share some of your goals and aspirations! You can follow through your blog account (free set-up) or via email. Feel free to peruse this blog and leave comments  and input as a fitness community member!

I look forward to meeting you in May!! Tuesday's Shred Circuit at 5:30PM! 



  1. Can we still be friends when you are big and famous at the Star Center???? :) I knew you when....

  2. goof ball! I was getting ready to delete this one because the video wouldn't upload.... lol

    Famous?....pft....whatever.... LMAO Just excited! Drove past it the other day...It looks great!! Lots of fun stuff!
