Thursday, November 17, 2011

Giving the over zealous Trainer Sales Guy the ol' 1-2!!

I get tired of hyper, over zealous, trainers and health club sales associates, that think that they have the single most important job. Mind you, all are not this way. I know some really awesome trainers that are really focused on helping others. I'm talking about the ones that focus on looking like they are helping others to help themselves.

Tonight I literally 1-2'ed ( jab cross) a young sales guy out of my class. He came up to my front row gal in the middle of a choreographed Kickbox Cardio class, papers in hand trying to solidify a deal and exchange contact info. As I'm cuing my class, I am telling this kid that that this is so uncool and he needs to go. He ignores me and continues writing down info. I put my class into a bob weave and bob weaved myself right up to his left shoulder....Then I said, "You got to go Dude" He kept writing....So I cued my class "right lead....Jab Cross bob weave!" At first I didn't make contact....He just looked at me and kept talking. I began tapping him with my 1-2's until I inched him out of the room.

To the guy I 1-2ed out of my class....I have two words for you...."Car Sales!"


  1. Unbelievable! Good for you for setting him in his place. I hope you also followed up with his boss about how very inappropriate that was.

  2. Not yet. He was with a client when I left, but I will deal with him one on one first, next time I'm in, and then his boss if it happens again. He's a young, over eager, kid...maybe 2o or so...
