Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Happiness Project

I have been sipping on this book all summer and now into the fall. At only 296 pages, I am on 196 now. An ADD reader, and someone who teeters between planning fitness classes, reading fitness and yoga magazines, blogging, chillin' on Facebook or perusing You Tube for new tunes, I pick up a book once in a while and get through a chapter before I move on to the next.

Despite my slow pace, I am really enjoying this book by Gretchen Rubin. In brief, after much research on physiology, and human behavior on what makes people happy, Gretchen started her own happiness project using monthly resolutions to work on improving her own personal happiness. She has tackled decluttering, relationships, exploring new adventures, making time for friends, spending money on happiness, boosting energy, healthy habits, and much more. I have been inspired to begin my own Happiness project! Why not, right? Part of being healthy and fit is exploring the world around you, learning, improving, and growing!

What?! Did you think it was all diet and exercise?

No matter what you do in the gym and at the dinner table, you will not be successful if you are not looking at why you didn't take care of yourself before. Most of us let ourselves go because we put everyone else ahead of our own needs. In fact, we tend to do this to the point of believing that everyone else is more important. When we do this long enough, we subconsciously create a poor relationship with ourselves and there lies the problem. I love this book, because it nurtures a way to make yourself a project. By doing this, you learn more about yourself and create a more positive relationship with you (which by the way, allows you to be that much stronger for the people in your lives)!

In future posts I will be sharing some of my own resolutions and how they work out. I hope to gather some people interested in following and doing the same. The more you share, the more you learn about yourself and inspire others as well! Also, the more you share, the more accountable and successful you are at reaching your own goals!

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