Friday, September 9, 2011



  1. I stand strong in the face of adversity
  2. I am not afraid to brings results
  3. I lift heavy and have slammin' shoulders and triceps
  4. My abs are made of steel....but so are my obliques and back
  5. I'm not afraid of limitations, I honor them....or at least I am learning to...
  6. I don't diet! I don't fall for food plan gimmicks and fads! I use common sense, basic nutritional knowledge, clean eating, and I fuel my body to give back what it gives me. I allow myself wiggle room with no guilt.
  7. I love all of my imperfections!
  8. I am a realist. I don't buy into magic pills or products that promise results with little to no work. I'm smart enough to know there are long term consequences to using those. You can keep your Shape Up shoes and fat burners! The only results I want are the ones I worked my ass off for.
  9. I believe competition is with-in and that enables me to admire and learn from those who have succeeded before me
  10. I use my success to push people closer to their goals
  11. I can rap Salt n Pepa's Shoop in a Karaoke bar, but giggle every time I have to sing," They want my bod, here's the hot rod. Twelve inches to a yard and have ya soundin' like a ......" when I can't find a guy to rap it with me!.... hehehe
  12. I can laugh at myself (see #11)
  13. I bench 135 (and climbing)
  14. I am an open book and live out loud
  15. I control my destiny and make no excuses
  16. I'm not everyone's cup-o-Joe.....and I'm okay with that
  17. My quietness is confidence observing
  18. My Christmas wish list consists of kettlebells, boxing gloves, and A LIFT KIT FOR MY JEEP!... No frills, just the bare essentials...
  19. When a friend told my husband he thought I was looking too made me laugh...then smile ;)~
  20. Whether I am in a fully stocked gym or I have nothing but my body weight, I can devise a brutally effective training session!
Even though my body reflects my strength, only when you look past my physique, will you ever see my true strength.


  1. Oohhh I love this post! I may have to steal it and make my own list. One thing that makes me strong is that I have been going to bed earlier so that I can get up earlier to workout before school. :)

  2. That's a super tough one!! I love that you do that! I always know I'm late when I see you running!! lol
