Friday, September 16, 2011

STRESS: A More Personal Blog....

Stress can reek havoc on healthy living. I have been reminded this week how true this can be. With two jobs, a family and all the other responsibilities of life, it sometimes takes just one of those to fall of kilter and completely turn your world upside down.

Well, this week was a doozy!

My day job as a Para educator has left me confused and wondering if I will get a pay check this month. Our teachers are on strike, and with all of the attention focused on a resolution, the rest of us have been left with a lot of uncertainty about our role in all of this. I have chosen to support our teachers by not crossing the picket line and at times even march the line with them, knowing full well of the uncertain consequences. My belly aches.

My night job is my haven. A group fitness instructor who not only relies on what little money I pull in from this job, but more than anything relies on the sanity this play ground provides to get me through the rest of my life. This job is my creative outlet, my grip on sanity when everything else goes haywire! This is where I release my tension, and connect with people on a unique level that inspires much of how I carry myself through life's crazy, ever changing ways.

This week my playground has turned me into a frazzled stress ball. With changes coming from every direction and new tensions felt,I'm holding on for dear life as this roller coaster of change tries to settle and create a new norm. My belly aches. Faced with more decisions on an ever changing situation, I feel like I'm gonna burst....I have left the gym frustrated and skipping my own workout due to lack of time or drive. Talk about insult to injury!

Last night, I so was tightly wound, the pit of my stomach was tight and nauseous. I felt like I was having a really bad reaction from large amounts of sugar and caffeine even though I had nether.

I wanted to cry, but too angry to shed a tear, I grabbed my boxing gloves and headed for the gym. I bypassed the desk and avoided eye contact with anyone who wanted to talk about more changes and possibilities. Making a bee line for the kettle bells, I spent twenty minutes in kettle bell Therapy followed by 1 hour of slamming my frustrations on the heavy bag. Driving home last night, I felt so light. The air was no longer thick, happy, thoughts about the positive changes (like the new boxing class I'll be teaching next month) and fresh inspiration on how to ride out the rest!

It's so easy to allow stress to dictate how you handle life. The constant negativity of everyone elses feelings quickly engulfed my own thoughts and was becoming toxic. I am now back to me. Working it all out on the kettle bells and heavy bags has given me clarity and perspective. I hope to remember this for the next roller coast is full of them!

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