Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Real Talk.

The worst conversation you could possible loop me into, is the one where you tell me why you can't be healthy. 

"I can't afford a gym"
"I have no time to exercise"
"It costs too much to eat healthy"
"I don't like drinking  water"
"I have too much to do to get good sleep"
"My joints ache"
"I have ________, so I can't exercise."
"I don't like the taste of healthy food" 
"My family won't eat that." ..........

You can feed me, or yourself any line you want, but the truth is, You Choose. You Choose. You choose. Every day, you choose. 

Age will wear down your joints and body over time, but how you treat your body over all, through out your life, will greatly determine your later years. 

We all have challenges. We all have things in our lives that make it hard, really hard, to exercise, eat well, get plenty of sleep, and all the other things that contribute to good health. We choose everyday, how healthy we want to be. Even amongst the aliments, illnesses, disease, aches and pains, hectic schedules, lack of money, and everything else that can possible get in our way,  we choose to work around it, triumph over it , or become victim of it. WE CHOOSE.

And if we understood that how we choose to live our lives will greatly affect how many  chronic illnesses we acquire, maybe then, we would choose differently, instead of believing that those are things we just randomly fall victim to. 

We choose. 

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